Babeh Street, Surabaya

Babeh Street? The first word sounds so Indonesian while the last one sounds western-ish haha. No idea why it is named like that, but this time I would like to review Babeh Street cafe on Jl. Slamet Surabaya.

Babeh Street cafe has indoor and outdoor areas. The outdoor area functions as smoking area (it is not really outdoor actually, as it is still covered with ceiling). Meanwhile, the indoor area is fully air-conditioned.

Two lovely swings stand on the outdoor area. Instagenic!

Notice those chairs? Yup, they also function as mini ladders! Haha I like how they are so thoughtful of their customers, this kind of chair will definitely help us a lot to take flatlays as we will not need to step on the chair and embarrass ourselves in front of other people.

Strawberry Juice - IDR26,000
Not the type of strawberry juice that I like as it came without milk.

Thai Milk Tea - IDR25,000
It was standard powdered Thai tea. Not too sweet nor diluted.

Indo-Mee Goreng Kornet - IDR25,000
Coming with half-full stomach, mom and I only had their Indomie. I guess there is no need to comment on this dish as you guys should know how Indomie goreng tastes like, no?

Indo-Mee Sauce Telur Asin + Kornet - IDR26,000
Different from normal Indomie goreng, this one came with salted egg sauce. There was no meat inside, so I topped up IDR9,000 for corned beef. Could not really taste the salted egg flavor, but the dish was still enjoyable in general. After all, things hardly go wrong with Indomie.

Well, it is kinda surprising to know that it only takes under IDR50,000 per head to eat at Babeh Street, given the cozy restaurant-like atmosphere. The cafe is spacious, making it ideal for large-group gathering or birthday celebration. Food wise, there is nothing to scream about, but once again it is very affordable so you get what you pay for.


Jl. Slamet 6
Surabaya, Indonesia 60272
IG: babehstreet
Opening hours: 10am - 10pm


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